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18 August 2009         Login         Register

Subject: What despatch system
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TF Newbie!

18 Jun 2008 1:05 AM Alert 

Hi folks


Im doing a bit of research for the family firm, just started researching despatch systems and found you guys and its looks like you might be able to help.


Basically, we have around 35-40 cars depending on the week, we need a dispatch system to replace giving the jobs over the air, also we need callback, but thats it, dont need all the fancy bells and whilstles so im hoping i can find a system that wont break the bank(£70k for some of them, no way im paying that for a PC and some software).


Any ideas or input will be greatly appreciated, thanks.




18 Jun 2008 9:56 AM Alert 
try Alamein

their stuff comes with integrated sat nav, instant data despatch. up to the minute job status.

telephone: 0845 123 3923 think thats the correct web address

TF Newbie!

17 Jul 2008 10:35 PM Alert 
Sorry if it looks like I’m trying to sell something here but I can’t answer the question and give accurate prices without it looking this way.

The cost of computerising and going onto data depends on what you already have i.e. radios, computers, phones etc. I’ve just run some numbers through our quote system and here’s how it works out for 40 cars and a three-user system with 100% everything done for you. (bells and whistles included)

Assuming radios are ok, modern phones already in place and you just want the office and basic data terminals, the price works out at £16,580 + vat on an outright purchase. PDA’s on a typical three year contract can significantly drop the initial cost but it still works out costing about the same after 12 months with significant monthly costs thereafter. Basically, PDA’s are good if you can justify the costs involved.

At the other end of the scale if all you have is empty room and you need the full Monty including new radios, data, gps and complete new telephone system etc the price jumps up to £31,160 + vat (outright purchase) Still a long way off the £70 mark.

Bill Green (Datamaster Ltd)

TF Newbie!

25 Jul 2008 4:54 PM Alert 

hi there - i was hunting for something else, and found this website, and when i saw this question, i thought i may be able to give a little info/advice

if you are after a basic taxi management system, have you tried Marandy? there website is pretty poor, but we had a quote from them and it didnt seem too bad, better than some of the others, still out of our price range, but we only have 3 cars at the minute so!

i think the telephone number is 01509 235533, unless its changed, but its worth giving it a go.

theres no harm in trying, as i always say!!!



TF Newbie!

22 Aug 2008 5:10 PM Alert 
Helpful Lady

If you only have three cars I’d have thought buying any system would be uneconomic. We give out a cut down version of our software complete with local database free of charge to anyone that wants to try it. It’s not the latest version but it’s certainly good enough to run a small company on at zero cost as quite a few companies have found out. There are no catches or timeouts.


TF Newbie!

26 Aug 2008 9:23 AM Alert 
thanks for the offer - but i wrote it wrong - i meant to put 13!! (my 1 button sticks sometimes!!) i really should re-read what i write in future!! thanks again for the offer but i am really quite happy with the marandy software

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